My favorite ways to use Essential Oils

Jan 27, 2023 | Aromatherapy, Essential Oils

Essential oils have been around for AGES and have been used by people worldwide in different cultures. Think about how prized and pricey essential oils were in Bible times. Frankincense, Myrrh, Hyssop, Cedarwood…all of these oils were widely used and appreciated.

There are 3 main ways to use essential oils and I frequently use all of them.


My favorite way to use EOs. Diffusing!! Not only does it make your house smell good but you’re also reaping the benefits of what specific oils you’re using for that day. You can tailor what you diffuse around how you’re feeling and just watch how your thoughts, mood, and feelings improve or change. It’s amazing! You can also straight up pour a drop of oil into your hands and deeply inhale as you cover your nose. This is called a scent tent and is another way you can use oils aromatically.


If you’ve been around a while you know I love a good DIY and this is one of the best ways to use EOs. You can make a face roller for your skin, a perfume to use for your signature scent, bath bombs for the ultimate relaxation, a laundry booster, a linen spray, an After-sun spray, a happy plants spray, etc. The list is never-ending. We have a highlight in our Oaktribe IG space devoted to DIYs and hacks. If you’re on my team, make sure to check it out and tag us if you make something!


Young Living has a VITALITY line specifically for ingesting EOs and boy do I love this line! They make it soooo easy for us to know which oils are safe to use inside our bodies. I take Thieves when I’m starting to feel under the weather. I add lemon, orange, or lime to my water to add a little zest and pep. I love to put a drop of Peppermint in my brownie batter. Or dip a toothpick in lavender and add it to my morning coffee…yummmmm. There are truly so many ways to use them internally. *I do not recommend ingesting oils you buy at the store unless you are 100% sure they are safe to ingest. Most oil companies use synthetic fillers or fragrances that can actually be harmful to our bodies. You definitely don’t want to use those internally. **Remember, a little goes a long way. 1 or 2 drops are all you need to reap the benefits or get that flavor.

So there you have it. 3 uses for EOs and I highly recommend you get comfortable with all 3. You’ll never regret incorporating them into your daily routine and seeing how they benefit you.

Check out my IG highlight on the “3 uses of oils.”

OR you can check it out here.

Thank you for being here!

Xx, Krystal

P.s. And a side 4th way we use oils in our home are to clean with them…but I’ll do another blog post on that later! Keep an eye out.